Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Spring time!

Hello Chobots,
The first news is team of decorate for spring.
And pet insttructor come back in but he can't sell any pets at the momment.
The 3rd news is new room next to cinema.
Let's see the pictures. with last updates:
                                   Log in page                   

                                   Server for Spring.The new server is "Flower"

                                    A photo with map at normal.

                                   Park decorate for spring

                                   Cafe street decorate for spring.      

                                               New loading logo.

                                            Pet instructor come back to chobots in pet shop.

                          To go in Color Zone first click on cinema go in and left click on color zone

  And finally how color Zone looks like if you want to change the color click "change color"and color will be black.

Hope you enjoy!

~Have fun,
Reebook :)(: