Hi, Chobots. Elemental here.
I know there's loads of different ways on how to become an agent. I just want to show you my way.
An agent is someone who is kind, honest, always willing to help. They help protect chobots and keep you all safe. Becoming an agent takes a big responsibility. Remember, it takes time. Don't get frustrated if you aren't one and trying to become one. You won't become one at the age of 0, that's for sure. It will take a lot of time, more than a month, I'm guessing.
Now, here is my simple guide to become an agent.
1) Don't try to become an agent.
You're probably thinking, What? This is the worst guide ever!
But no, that's not what I mean. I'm saying, don't TRY to become an agent, by just offering if anyone needs help, only in front of Moderators and other Agents. BECOME an agent.
This is very hard to explain. Just make agency your PERSONALITY. It means you're prepared, and if anyone needs help you actually will help. The way I am, it's my personality. Don't try to be someone you're not. Be you - the REAL you.
2) Don't always ask if anyone needs help.
People always say 'who needs help, I'm willing to offer, etc.' That's great! But don't over do it. Many people just say it when Mods and Agents are around, thinking it will make them have better chances. They're wrong. If you help people when they need help, they will be very grateful and recommend you. Not if you're just saying it and not really doing it.
3) Don't always say 'welcome (chobots name)'. Sometimes, people make new accounts. This means they are not new and they have experience of chobots. To not make this mistake and welcome someone who isn't actually new, just wait for them to say if they need help or not. For example, a new person might say 'im new, someone help pls' or something like that. That is when you offer to help. Give them a tour, tell them where everything is located, help them earn bugs (by not cheating).
OK, so far I've been saying what NOT to do. Now, here is what you SHOULD do:
4) Make new friends.
Having friends is awesome. You want to be liked for who you are inside, not on what you're wearing or what you look like. It's like the saying 'don't judge a book on it's cover'. I know some of you might disagree on that, but say you're meeting someone you've never met before. EW, they have the most UGLIEST t-shirt EVER! So you just walk way and not like them. No, that's really mean. What you must do is just talk with them, get them to like you, know what's on the inside, not the outside. So making friends is important, I'm sure no one wants to be disliked.
5) Someone bothering you? You don't care!
This is a really important step. If someone's being rude to you, DON'T TAKE ANY NOTICE.
You don't care about your apperence, the way you talk, your culture, your religion. No, you're PROUD of it. THIS IS ME, I AM PROUD. So don't be offended if someone's being mean to you. It's all LIES. Just report and block, it's as easy as that. There is no need for a fight, just ignore. ;)
6) Someone bothering your friends? Time to put a stop to it.
Now it's time to prove you can handle the responsibility of being an agent.
You see your friend having an argument with someone else. Now, it doesn't matter if it's your friend or not, you still help them out.
You don't go and barge in, saying 'YO, WHATCHA DOIN', YOU BIG OL' BULLY? I'MMA TAKE YOU DOWN LIKE A NYAN PIE!' (Ok, I know, it's lame, but it's just an example!) No, instead, you go,
'What's going on?'
Someone explains. Now is your moment to shine.
Tell the mean chobot about the rules of chobots.net, and how we must treat each other how you'd like to be treated. If they still don't listen, tell the bullied chobot that he/she should just report and ignore, and the argument should stop now. END OF CONVERSATION. You report and block the bad chobot too. Let him be mean, he will get what he deserves soon. If anyone else is being offended, you tell them to report and block too.
Being rude to someone will instantly lower your agency chances.
But treating mods and agents differently will also lower them, believe it or not.
You can be friends with people without the list. Don't bug moderators to add you or private chat with you, just because they're mods. That goes the same with agents too.
8) Don't beg for anything.
Begging is not allowed on chobots. Don't beg for rain, parties, citizenship, etc. You could be reported and chat banned.
9) Follow the chobots rules.
Probably the most IMPORTANT step to becoming an agent.
Follow the rules. Don't spam. Don't be rude. Don't give out any personal information. Don't date. Etc, etc.
10) Have fun!
Don't complain all the time. Just throw your hands in the air and enjoy yourself! :)
Good luck, everyone.
Remember, if you have any questions, any at all, feel free to comment anywhere on this blog, contact me or Lavadog, or send your questions to support@chobots.net.
Thank you for reading this super long guide! Good luck!